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Migration Updates for Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

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Canberra Matrix Invitation Round:

The ACT has a fixed number of nomination places available each month (pro-rata against the annual allocation). The highest ranked Matrix in each occupation were invited to apply for ACT nomination. The cut‑off for selection depended on the remaining monthly allocation, the date and time of Matrix submission, occupation cap and demand. The greater the demand for an occupation, the higher the rank of the Matrix score invited.

The minimum ranking score is an indication only and not a guarantee that an invitation was issued. Invitations will not be issued if you have an active application in the system; or if you have previously received ACT nomination.

Requests for ranking information

Invitations are not guaranteed. We will not respond to requests for information on ranking or the likelihood of receiving an invitation. Matrix will not be prioritised or issued invitations based on personal circumstances. This includes, but is not limited to, visa expiry dates or a change in circumstances including critical birthdays.

Canberra residents

Matrix nominating Small Business Owners

  • 190 nominations: 7 invitations

  • 190 minimum matrix score: 85

  • 491 nominations: 0 invitations

  • 491 minimum matrix score: -

Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders

  • 190 nominations: 8 invitations

  • 491 nominations: 1 invitation

Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations

  • 190 nominations: 171 invitations

  • 491 nominations: 64 invitations

Overseas applicants

Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations:

  • 190 nominations: 81 invitations

  • 491 nominations: 231 invitations

2022-2023 Allocation of ACT Nomination Places:

The ACT received an interim allocation for the 2022-2023 program year.

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 2,025 places

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 2,025 places

Application Count @ 22 December 2022

Total approvals: 1266 approvals

  • 190 Nominations: 411 approvals

  • 491 Nominations: 855 approvals

Total refusals: 246 applications

  • 190 Nominations: 68 refusals (14%)

  • 491 Nominations: 217 refusals (20%)

Remaining Allocation 2022-2023

Total allocation remaining: 2784 nomination places (464 per month)

  • 190 Nominations: 1614 (pro rata 269 per month)

  • 491 Nominations: 1170 (pro rata 195 per month)

For more details, click here.


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Fax: +60 (3) 2202 3443


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Worldlink Business Consultants Sdn Bhd

Suite A-13-03, Level 13th

Menara Atlas, Plaza Pantai

Off Jalan Pantai Baharu

59200 Kuala Lumpur


Tel: +60 (3) 2202 2442 
Fax: +60 (3) 2202 3443

Worldlink Business Consultants Pty Ltd

Level 13, 200 Queen Street,  

Melbourne, Victoria 3000,


Tel: +61 (3) 8648 6486 

Fax: +61 (3) 8676 4908

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